Please bring Cash, Checks, Venmo or Zelle (Pay each vendor individually)
*Vendors will allow people to shop at their homes before and after Spa Day and a donation will be made to Chabad Spa Day. *
- Lisa Z. Fine Jewelry - 516-445-5818
- Dori Eisenberg - Costume Jewelry, Beach coverups, bags 516-698-7124
- Hedy’s hats-hats - 917-640-4649
- Dora Beim Howard - Radiance Rx Skincare 516-978-2800
- Shanni Kelemer- Yid Merch – customized shirts etc. [email protected] 929-399-5153
- Rebecca Glassman- author of book- Welcome to the Enchanted Forest 516-238-9074
- Tzippy Thall- Tziporah Resinates (one of a kind hand made Judaic art objects to enhance your home)-516-581-1369
- Anne Koffsky- Table set up with her Children’s books- $18 each-pay by check or Venmo 516-633-4089
- Sage and Angie’s Boutique 235 Nassau Blvd., West Hempstead