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Goal: $150,000
$157,045 Total Raised
104% Complete

THANK YOU! WE DID IT! We raised $157,045 for Chabad of West Hempstead! Thank you to our generous matchers for making this a possibility, and a HUGE thank you goes to YOU for seizing the opportunity to do good.


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The Campaign

Double Your Impact!

Take advantage of this opportunity! For 60 hours every $1 you donate will be worth $2 to Chabad of West Hempstead thanks to a kind group of matching donors. Get more bang for your buck and help us maximize on this potential.

With your help we can achieve our 2019 budgetary goals and secure a solid footing for 2020. This past year, your support extended the loving embrace of our community and the wisdom and warmth of Judaism, to thousands; in the coming year you can extend that reach even further, securing a bright Jewish future for our community!

Join us!

Huge thank you to our generous matchers for your unwavering support!

About Chabad

The light in a child’s eyes when he reads his first Hebrew word. A bar Mitzvah for a young man with special needs. The famous Chanukah fire engine parade and holiday celebrations, the Lag B'omer community BBQ and grand Shavuos ice cream party. A Shul that is open to all, regardless of background or affiliation age or occupation. Chabad on campus Shabbat meals and Torah study, and the list goes on.

Chabad of West Hempstead is a home away from home for every Jew in the greater West Hempstead area. We are dedicated to serving our community, but we cannot do it alone.

Now we’re asking for your support to help us ensure a bright Jewish future, together.

Chabad of West Hempstead is a non-profit corporation and federally approved 501(c) (3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.


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