
Membership at Chabad 5785

Dear Friends,

I hope that this note finds you well and that you are enjoying the remainder of your summer.

As we enter the month of Elul and with the New Year quickly approaching our preparation must always include our commitment to increase in Torah study, in prayer and in the giving of charity. It is also an ideal time to initiate or renew your membership in the Chabad Shul.

Annual Shul membership is the foundation of funding for our Shul and a major expression of support for our community. At Chabad, you always belong, but your membership makes a major difference. Current members need to renew their membership on an annual basis, and if you have not as of yet formally joined the Chabad Shul there is no time like the present.

Our standard Membership dues for the coming year 5785 are $1400. Joining as a member offers you the opportunity to reserve High Holiday seats at the discounted rate of $160 per seat. Additional benefits include a special gift of Shmurah Matzah for you to enjoy during Pesach and a $50 discount on a sponsored Kiddush.

In addition to our standard membership dues we also have various levels of sponsorship and partnership for you to consider for the coming year.

For more information, to initiate your membership or to renew your annual membership online, and to reserve High Holiday seats please click here

To inquire about your current membership status, please email [email protected] or call the Chabad office at (516) 596-8691

